Myers Counseling Group offers comprehensive mental health and substance abuse services. We believe all people have the capacity to lead fulfilling lives and focus on these capabilities. Our compassion and commitment to our clients support and stimulate their individual growth. Myers Counseling Group 300 Memorial drive, suite 200 Crystal Lake, Il 60014 (815)308-3368
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Students Taking Stimulants Not For High, But For a Higher SAT Score
He steered into the high school parking lot, clicked off the ignition and scanned the scraps of his recent weeks. Crinkled chip bags on the dashboard. Soda cups at his feet. And on the passenger seat, a rumpled SAT practice book whose owner had been told since fourth grade he was headed to the Ivy League. Pencils up in 20 minutes. The boy exhaled. Before opening the car door, he recalled recently, he twisted open a capsule of orange powder and arranged it in a neat line on the armrest. He leaned over, closed one nostril and snorted it. Throughout the parking lot, he said, eight of his friends did the same thing. The drug was not cocaine or heroin, but Adderall ... click for more
drug abuse,
teen drug abuse,