Answer by Mark Myers:
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a disorder that could manifest itself in different ways and to different degrees. There are also disorders that may fall under the same spectrum but present themselves differently. Usually, but not always, OCD is accompanied by avoidant behavior and/or compulsive rituals. These compulsions or rituals usually create some disturbance in life areas.
From the information you provided it is difficult to determine a diagnosis. More information is needed. If this is a relatively new issue, further examination would be warranted. If certain behaviors coexist with this (such as binging with food, purging food, obsession with weight) then we might be looking at an eating disorder. If you are focussing on real or perceived body defects and repeated checking of body parts, then we might be looking at a diagnosis of Body Dysmorphic Disorder,. If these concerns have been around awhile, involve other sensory issues such as sensitivity to touch, taste, and/or sound, we might be looking at Sensory Integration Disorder.
Once more details are obtained, the diagnosis and treatment approach could be pursued. Usually a Cognitive Behavioral Approach and/or medication would be pursued. Depending on the diagnosis and severity of the symptoms, how long these symptoms have been going on, and your motivation, results may take awhile. I would suggest talking to a professional and going further into detail with him/her. From there a treatment direction could be determined.