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Monday, April 14, 2014

Making Life Easier With Your Toddler

Parents could find themselves feeling stressed and challenged when it comes to balancing their responsibilities at home.  Although children are high priorities, household errands need to be done.  We have included some suggestions that may make it easier for you to find a more comfortable balance.

  • Evaluate your child’s strength and weakness.  Some children may not do well in certain settings. Except their limitations and try not to force a situation.

  • Understand and identify warning signs that your child may be on the brink of a meltdown.  This will allow you the opportunity to adjust accordingly.

  • Recognize your own limitations.  If you are feeling stressed out, most likely, you will find it more difficult to address behavior.

  • Look for more kid friendly places to frequent.  An example would be a grocery store that has shopping carts for kids, wide isles, secure shelves, and not a lot of glass items.

  • Involve your child in as much household chores as possible.  Children want to be a part of your life\activities.  When you do get them involved, break the project up into smaller tasks.

  • Routines are important for children.  The sooner you can establish them, the less stressful it will be.

  • Give yourself plenty of time.  Sometimes, it can come off like clock work that your child will need to go to the potty when you are ready to leave the house.

  • Choose your battles wisely.  Toddlers are going to be experimenting with testing limits.  Patience, over the long haul, is the most productive route.

  • Pay attention to what you are saying to yourself when you are stressed.

  • Negative self talk is nonproductive and leads to further stress.  Try to put  a positive spin on things.