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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Why is it so hard to get rid of anxiety knowing that it is one the reason I can't enjoy life?

Answer by Mark Myers:
Identifying a problem (Anxiety) does not mean it goes away. I credit you for acknowledging your anxiety and wanting to do something about it. Some people struggle with anxiety a long time before coming to terms with their challenge.
My first suggestion is devising a game plan.Understanding more about your anxiety will give you a better idea how to address it. What are the symptoms you experience? What are circumstances that the symptoms present themselves? How do they go away? By creating more awareness to patterns and circumstances of your anxiety, it will be easier to devise a plan to address anxiety. It would help to keep a journal of days events. Even on days you don't experience symptoms this is helpful information to know.
Overall, lifestyle is something to take a look at. Diet, exercise, alcohol intake, employment, and support groups should be evaluated. These areas could have significant impact on anxiety symptoms. Also, recognize thoughts that may contribute to anxiety. Anxiety is a signal from our brain we are reacting to. Often times this signal is a subjective interpretation of events or situations. Even if anxiety is not directly related to our thoughts, your response to anxiety symptoms could influence the intensity of anxiety and duration symptoms last.
Lastly, if symptoms do not go away, consider talking to a professional. This could be a doctor, psychiatrist or therapist.