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Tuesday, May 6, 2014

What are the best ways to temporarily ease anxiety?

Answer by Mark Myers:

There are several different components at work when it comes to anxiety. These would include thoughts, behaviors, physiology, and/or environment. Most of the time we can utilize tools to address all the above. Recognize patterns to your anxiety (environment). Certain surroundings may create more anxiety. Preparing for these situations (not worrying about them) will give you a better opportunity to lessen the anxiety.
Another area to look into is your own internal dialogue (thoughts). Recognize how your own thought process may contribute to your angst. Journaling, writing down your thoughts, will help recognize these thoughts. Some people are just wired (physiology) to be anxious. For these individuals, slowing down their physical responses by breathing exercises or progressive relaxation could greatly help. Practicing this techniques is going to be important and will give you more confidence in addressing anxiety.
Anxiety is a emotion that tells us something is wrong. It signals us from messages our brains are interpreting that something is amiss. If we give in to the anxiety (behavior) and avoid the situation that is making us anxious, we are reinforcing the anxiety experience. Working through your anxiety utilizing some of these suggestions, will give you a better chance at mastering your anxiety.
Lastly, I would suggest looking at your lifestyle. Diet, exercise, and poor sleep habits could be contributing factors.  If the anxiety persists and is uncomfortable enough, I would suggest seeking out  professional advise.
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