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Saturday, January 4, 2014

Ten Tips for Managing Workplace Stress

Ten Tips to Managing Workplace Stress 
Many get stressed out by work from time to time, but recognizing the severity of it and classifying it as a problem can be the right path towards managing workplace stress.

1. Recognize your stress
Signs and Symptoms : anxiety, irritability, depression, apathy, loss of interest in work, problems sleeping, problems concentrating and/or fatigue.

2. Exercise: It is always important to get your exercise in for the day whether it is taking a walk, riding a bike or running, 30 mins. everyday can help increase your metabolism and increase endorphins, your body's "feel-good" chemicals, giving your mood a natural boost. Exercise will decrease "stress hormones" like cortisol. 

3.  Eat Right: List of  foods that can reduce stress provided by Dr. Susan Kleiner, author of The Good Mood Diet.

  • Healthy fats (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated) Examples: olives, olive oil, nuts, seeds, nut and seed butters, nut and seed oils, avocados, fish
  • Whey protein Examples: milk and dairy products — lowfat/nonfat milk, yogurt, kefir, smoothies, whey protein powder
  • Tryptophan and B vitamins Examples: turkey, lean pork, beef, chicken
  • Magnesium (decrease headaches) Examples: nuts, beans, whole grains, spinach
  • Ginger (decrease headaches, pain relief)
  • Anti-inflammatory effects (bioflavonoids) Examples: pomegranates, grape juice, soy, kale, green beans, apples, citrus, prunes. Also for other anti-inflammatories that they contain: pineapple, fish, wheat germ
  • Zinc and iron (boosts immune function) Examples: lean meats, eggs, seafood, whole grains  

4. Avoid Caffeine: Drinking four or five cups of coffee a day makes the body act as if it is under constant stress. Combined with additional work pressures, it can increase blood pressure significantly, leading to an increased risk of long-term heart disease, says a US report. A study of 72 regular coffee drinkers by researchers at the Duke University Medical Center found that they produced high levels of adrenalin and nonadrenalin hormones. Professor James Lane, who took part in the research, told a behavioural medicine conference: "Moderate caffeine consumption makes a person react like he or she is having a very stressful day. If you combine the effects of real stress with the artificial boost in stress hormones that comes from caffeine, then you have compounded the effects considerably." RXTM-chronic stress

5. Increase Communication: Having a open communication platform between supervisors and staff can decrease stress on both ends. It is easier to map out what each parties want when there is face to face interaction. Getting assignments ahead of time and learning what each other wants out of one another can give reassurance to both parties that each one is on the same page. The Mayo Clinic gives a more in depth look into increased communication leads to decrease in workplace stress. 

6. Time Manage: It is important to set priorities. Get ahead of your agenda and map out a weekly plan of assignments that you need to complete. Even mapping out the hours of in-office work for the day can decrease stress about getting work completed for the day. It can ultimately increase time spent on work with with the decrease of time spent worrying.

7. Organize: Even though many may have digital file folders of their work and information, many still have hard copies of the most important information. It is important to file accordingly. Alphabetize or place in numeric order the documents that you often use. Set a schedule both online and in a personal planner. 8. Avoid Alcohol and Nicotine. Alcohol temporarily reduces anxiety and worry, but too much can cause anxiety as it wears off. Drinking to relieve job stress may also eventually lead to alcohol abuse and dependence. Similarly, smoking when you're feeling stressed and overwhelmed may seem calming, but nicotine is a powerful stimulant; leading to higher, not lower, levels of anxiety.

9. Talk to your loved one. Opening up about what your career entails with a loved one might not only increase communication in a relationship, but also decrease stress by giving you the chance to talk about your stresses to someone you trust in giving you good advice.

10. Take time for leisure time. It is very important to stay on top of your work, but also take time for yourself or spend time with family or friends.