1. Expect a lot of advice and suggestions from friends and family. Understand some of this advice may not be productive, realistic, or made with a true understanding of the nature of the problem.
2. Expect that your child may have social challenges. He or she may not fit in with peer group.
3. Expect you may need to advocate for your child in some settings.The setting could be school or community
4. Expect that your child may place additional demands on your family system.
5. Expect that your certain tasks may not come easy for your child. He or she may need tasks broken down.
6. Expect your child may have trouble with transitioning from one place to another.
7. Expect that you may need to be proactive in addressing issues or challenges your child faces.
8. Expect you need to educate yourself more about your child’s diagnosis.
9. Expect you and your partner need to be on the same page regarding parenting issues.
10. Expect that your child will bring great joy to you regardless of these challenges.