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Ten Ways Couples can Reconnect
Ten Ways Couples can Reconnect
MSNBC recently explored the idea of how boredom affects divorce and while the idea that ennui can lead to Splitsville is scary, the solution is surprisingly easy. “Shared challenges and exciting diversions are what make relationships hot long after the wedding gown has been packed up and stored away,” the article states. “Boredom and a dull, daily routine can kill a marriage, squashing intimacy and romance.” Via Divine Caroline.
Here are Ten Ways Couples can Reconnect:
1. Make a date night "Married couples should never stop courting," says Lou Paget, a sex educator and the author of Hot Mamas (Doubleday Canada). Pick a time and consider it a treat -- not one more thing on your to-do list. Think it's a downer to plan for sex? News flash: You basically always did. "A lot of what seemed like spontaneous sex, really wasn't. You had it on dates, weekends, vacation -- times you knew it would happen," she explains. "Planned sex can still be hot sex." Via The New Homemaker
2. Take time each day to connect emotionally. Have a time each day where you and your spouse sit down together and have a short conversation without the children present. Let the children know that Mom and Dad need ten minutes alone and make sure that they have something that can keep them occupied and safe during this time. This allows you to connect daily but it also models to your children the importance of your relationship together as a couple. They will reap the benefits of this modeling when they have their own relationships. Via ERYNFAYE
3. Find out what makes your spouse feel loved. As spouse who feels loved is much more likely to want to jump into bed. Do they need a back massage? A heart-to-heart talk? An afternoon away from the kids? A compliment on how good they look? A love note tucked into the laptop? How about the having the toilets scrubbed? Find out what sets the stage for romance for your lover and then do it unbidden. Via ERYNFAYE
4. Take up a Hobby. There are a multitude of hobbies available to couples these days. No longer are you required to sit at home with nothing to do, instead the whole world has been opened up to you as a giant adventure in life. Take your partner by the hand and embrace the adventure, let it soar through your bodies, bringing you ever closer together. Here is a list of over 60 hobbies you and your spouse or your partner can try.Via Hobbies for Couples.
5. Take a vacation or the honeymoon you never had. There are hundreds of different packages that couple can choose at a low cost. Find an all inclusive vacation. Research to find deals. Here are a few resources:
Beach Finder:
6. Enroll in a Marriage Class.The first year without kids can be one of the most stressful times in a couple's relationship. A marriage class or seminar can get you through that difficult time by helping you to put each other first, accept your spouse for who they are, and learn to see each other as partners again. Via